Sunday, 17 February 2008

My New Study Materials Arrived

I received a box from the university on Friday. The contents inside the box are my new study materials for the next study period. I love it when universities send out the materials promptly before the starting date to give students like me the time to prepare and plan. This unit will start in March and this means that I will be very busy again. Study + New Work Schedule = Little Time Leftover for Blogging. Is it timely to give this blog a break? I think that other than Cameron and I, only one other nanny from the US (Preemie Twins’ Nanny) reads this blog. This is probably because I rant and sound much too negative. I shouldn’t let this bother me for now. The focus should be on my studies. I will continue to blog on during the duration of this study unit and decide what to do next after its completion.


Career.Nanny said...

You are not too negative! Most people just don't take the time to comment regularly. I've added a counter to my blog. Says that at least thirty people visit each day, some days up to one hundred and on a good day I get three comments. On most days? Zero.

I'll miss your posts and updates. I liked the recent ones about the basket and drawer. I can't wait until Jackson and Tabitha are big enough for things like that.

Sorry to hear about the unannounced visitor, that is a terrible situation to be caught in. We are notorious for saving our clean up chores for the last minute, luckily all of our guests have been announced.
