Friday 11 January 2008

Just A Few Days Left!

I will be returning to work on Monday. My break went so quickly. There were moments when I thought I would be bored, stuck without a thing to do. How untrue? I found plenty to do and there are still plenty of things waiting to be done. I now find myself wishing for extra time away from work. I really shouldn’t be so greedy. I had a good break doing the things I enjoy doing. Instead of dipping into the pool at the end of a working day, I got to swim whenever I felt like it. I got to spend time with Cameron during his break without having to rush like crazy. I had the time to catch up with dear friends, sew, read books and blogs (including a few that made me really angry) and eat yummy foods. What more do I want? I think the only thing that I really regret not completing is my failure to make these paper dolls because I was unable to download them properly online. I don’t know why but we quite often have trouble opening PDF files.

