Wednesday 23 January 2008

A Trial Run

We gave the children a trial run of being looked after together in the last three days (including today). We were at Bree’s house on Monday and Tuesday, and spent today at Stella’s.

Bree played well with Stella. She wanted to do everything that Stella did. This included wanting to eat Stella’s packed lunch. It was her turn to eat a packed lunch today. She was given a lunch box set by someone for her birthday in November and Ettie bought her a backpack when she was in Sydney. All of these were put into use. Bree came to Stella’s house today all decked out like she was going to crèche. Her backpack was filled with a set of spare clothes, including a nappy for naptime. Wearing a nappy for naptime at Stella’s might confuse her because she has already begun to nap without a nappy at home. Her lunch box and drink bottle were placed in the fridge immediately, to keep them cool. It was very nice for Stella’s mum to offer Bree the use of Stella’s old portable cot. This means that there was one item less for Bree’s parents to bring along. Apart from the backpack and lunch set, Bree also came with her buggy and a potty. The logistics of transporting a child is not all that simple.

Stella played the role of big sister happily. Since Stella’s new fan was so happy to follow her around and enjoyed her company, she got the opportunity to care for someone younger that she would otherwise have little chance to. She helped to put on Bree’s sandals. She pushed Bree on the swings and played together in the sandpit. She was caring and gentle with the little tot. At her own house, she shared her toys with Bree without an incident between them. She even picked a simple book to read to Bree. The little tot looked at Stella’s fingers pointing at each word as she read. I think she was more fascinated by Stella’s actions than the content of the story. Bree probably wondered why Stella focussed so much on the print rather than the pictures. Somewhere along the way, Stella ended up reading to herself (because she was struggling with some words) and Bree ended up snuggling up to me. Bree clapped anyway when Stella finally finished reading. I think Stella felt pretty good that someone else ‘enjoyed’ her reading. LOL.

This arrangement is all new for both girls. They got on very well. There is no way for me to predict for how long this will last. Of course I wish that they will get on well most of the time. Realistically, they can’t be perfect little ladies all the time. I am at the ready for little squabbles once the novelty of being look after together wears off. Right now, I am just enjoying the honeymoon period.

Stella will be going to school from next week. The schedule for Preppies is quite ‘weird’ at first. It is designed to gradually ease the child into the world of school. Bree and I will have to work around Stella’s schedule until some type of regularity is established. There is also talk now about signing up to gymnastics after school. The extra-curricular activity does not really affect my workload because if I wasn’t at Stella’s, I would be at Bree’s.

